The gods name it Moly

[Documental installation]

(Four botanical objects about a fictionnal plant. Miniature garden / texte painting / holotype projection / nomenclature code)

In the Book X of Homer’s Odyssey, Hermes gives Ulysse a plant called Moly, as an antidote to spells casts by the witch Circe. Since then, and for threen mileniums, botanists, philosophers, historians, archeologists, and so on, saw the mythical Moly in real plants. They draw on morphological similarities, pharmacological resemblance, geographical or etymological arguments. In the 3rd century BC, Theophraste thinks it is Allium sativum, because of its antiseptic properties. In 1766, Daniel Wilhelm Triller sees it in the Helleborus niger because, as Moly, it as black roots. In 1930, Victor Bérard think its is Atriplex Halimus, small mediterranean shrub who share an ethymological root with the Moly. The project is a collection of all plant species once identified to Moly.

2017 - 2018
In collaboration with Antoine Wang

Exhibition Les dieux le nomment Moly in “A forest” at l’Institut Supérieur du Langage Plastique (ISELP) from 21.09.18 to 15.12.18